This world is incomprehensible. I’m seventy-five years old. I don’t understand the verbal currency that is floating around me. My grandson says, “bruh” instead of words that I know. I thought it was an affectation until I saw it printed on an ad. I’ve seen the expression “AF” on the screen, and I had to look it up. It means “as fuck”, as in “this is cool as fuck.”
We’re hiding behind the skirts of the words we really mean to say. “Let’s Go, Brandon” is Republican for :”Fuck Joe Biden” AF means “as fuck.” “Bruh?” I have no idea. And I don’t want to know.
We’re hiding behind our political language, too. People pretend that “Guns equal freedom” which means Ithey have no self-worth, they’re cowards, they’re scared of everything, and to make up for these and countless other deficiencies, they are reassured by knowing that their gun can kill people. And kill people they do, almost 100 a day. Some are suicides, but the great majority are not. Even the impulsive and often spontaneous act of suicide is so convenient when a handgun is in daddy’s night table.
We call ourselves Christians and send Christmas cards conflating the values of Christianity with a love of weapons designed to kill people.. These are two Christmas cards sent out by representatives of the United States Congress. The number of guns in America is alarming, yes, but more alarming is the cowardice of the people who can make a difference—our elected leaders, the most cowardly people on earth.
And to millions across America this is “normal.” Normal?
Wait! Let’s Not Forget Thoughts and Prayers.