Off to Oakland to protest the bombing of Syria..
Off to Oakland to protest Trump's bombing of Syria.
Princess is a male Pomeranian. He wears a tutu, and with his guardian, sits on a very crowded BART train in a seat reserved for seniors (I’m 72) pregnant women, and the disabled. “I’m worried about taking him to the snow”, the guardian said, “as he doesn’t like to have anything on his feet.”
Off to Oakland to protest the bombing of Syria..
Off to Oakland to protest Trump's bombing of Syria.
Princess is a male Pomeranian. He wears a tutu, and with his guardian, sits on a very crowded BART train in a seat reserved for seniors (I’m 72) pregnant women, and the disabled. “I’m worried about taking him to the snow”, the guardian said, “as he doesn’t like to have anything on his feet.”