How old are you? If you're a baby boomer, as I am, Kennedy's assassination was the single most dominant event in our lifetime. But for 2000 people surveyed by the Pew Research Center in collaboration with A & E's History Channel, 76% chose the attacks on 9/11. The survey found that Americans are primarily united by their age. My parents probably would have chosen WW II, for blacks and Hispanics Obama's election followed close behind 9/11. By race whites chose the tech revolution as third; blacks, the civil rights movement, and for Hispanics it was the shootings in Orlando.
Pew found that the response to 9/11 topped the list of positive moments, while Obama's election followed with 14%.
10% believe that Trump's campaign (the survey was taken before the election) made them most disappointed in the nation.
If 10% believe that the campaign disappointed them, how must they feel discovering that the flawed electoral college system will swear him in as president in one month? And if the campaign was disappointing, how about the aftermath, the "election?" I have little connection to those who used their #2 pencils to fill in the oval by his name. He is not my president. Living in California, my neighbors and I all feel adrift.