Stuff I don't do anymore (Or do without guilt)

Two weeks ago I celebrated my seventy-seventh birthday. That there isn’t much time left is not an earth-shattering revelation, but expunging those activities that don’t contribute to making the days left more fruitful isn’t a revelation, but it is helpful. So in no particular order, here they are.

  1. No more arguments. You say 2+2 is five. You’re absolutely right. Have a nice day. The earth is flat? You bet. Enjoy the weather. You think the 2nd Amendment is a good thing? Good for you!

  2. Sitting on the floor. Even when I was younger I didn’t choose to do that. Now, it’s not only uncomfortable, but getting up is even less fun. When we toured Japan we found that many of our rooms didn’t have chairs. What’s up with that? With a hip replacement, eating from a tray on the floor isn’t even possible. I had to kneel. Give me a chair and a table. Not embarrassed at all.

  3. Seeing evening performances of any kind. Let’s go back to #3. You can’t see a play in your jammies. And if you get up at 4 am you’ll fall asleep before intermission. I miss a lot of stuff, but I don’t like missing sleep.

  4. Watching TV shows, streaming movies, or just sitting in the same room as my TV set. Yeah, I watch CNN and MSNBC. And that’s about it. Sopranos? Game of Thrones? Pass.

  5. Riding my bike. I’ve given up all my biking paraphernalia. I enjoyed riding in the Berkeley hills for a number of years, even after I was hit by a car. I’ve been lucky. I’ve spent enough time in the hospital. Nice people. Helpful. That’s a better place for them than for me.

  6. Choosing the Wine at Dinner. You choose it. You hold the glass by the stem, sniff the aroma, swirl the oaky and fruity deep red colored liquid, taste, approve or send back. No problem.

  7. Dressing Fashionably (not to be confused with being clean).. My friend Henry once suggested that Goodwill wouldn’t be interested in the garments that hang in my closet. As a matter of fact, I’m not either. Jeans or convertibles, some clean t-shirts, fleeces appropriate for the weather. That’s pretty much everything I need. And a David Buchholz Photography comb rounds it out. I do like being clean. No dirt under my fingernails.

  8. Caring What Others Think (About me). I do care what others think, unless, of course, they think the earth is flat or that Trump isn’t dogshit. Go back to #1. I don’t want to argue with them about anything, but being able to listen is a plus. But what they think about me isn’t important. I think I’m okay. I’ve accepted myself, made peace with who I am, recognized some faults, am not trying to change, except perhaps to lose a couple more pounds. That kind of change is good.

  9. Turning out the lights while the sun is breaking through my bedroom window. I have blackout blinds. They take care of that annoying sunlight. Besides, getting up at 4 am isn’t an imposition, but a wonderful time of day. Make that night. Why? Because nobody else is up then. Love that time.

  10. Dismissing First World Problems before they become real. I shouldn’t have to remind myself to be grateful for my health, my wife, my family, the innumerable goodness that makes up my life, but sometimes I do.