what the fuck is wrong with Marjorie Taylor Greene

trash is as trash does

Yesterday, on the floor of the United States House of Representatives—the so-called “greatest deliberative body in the world”, as we were taught in school—Marjorie Taylor Greene, in front of the House, in front of Live TV cameras, in front of the world, displayed poster-sized enlargements of nude photos of the president’s son, Hunter Biden.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez replied in her closing comments to the Chairman, "Today also marked a new low when pornographic images were paraded in this hearing room. Chairman Comer, last October you told Time magazine that you were not interested in the sordid details of Hunter Biden's life. You were quoted as saying, 'That's counter to a credible investigation,' and I agree.’ Sadly, that is a reflection of how low some individuals here have been willing to go in their efforts to attack the president and his family, and frankly, I don't care who you are in this country. No one deserves that. It is abuse. It is abusive."

This is the current state of the Republican Party, a once sort-of-principled body of politicians which has transformed itself into a personality cult, beholden to no principles, no plans, and no ideals, all to embrace the political anti-Christ, a twice-impeached, lying, narcissistic, manipulative, cowardly, self-serving immoral gasbag, a man completely devoid of character. In Joseph Heller’s 1961 novel, Catch 22, he described a man he’d never met when he wrote,

Trump is currently the leader of the Republican party. He enjoys widespread support from both the cultists and the power-hungry members of the not-august-anymore political cadre that parades in their masks and KKK clown suits in the “greatest deliberative body in the world.”

Kevin McCarthy, the first spineless member of the homo sapiens, is currently navigating between Scylla and Charybdis. After getting dressed down by Saint Trump for heretically suggesting that his lord and master may not be the best candidate for the job (who knew?), McCarthy will now sign on to expunge from the record the two well-deserved impeachments that the Republicans were too timid, too afraid, and too cowardly to accept. Had any of them expressed a modicum of decency, Trump would have become invisible. They didn’t. So Trump, like the famed sea monster, is very much alive, beckoning Kevin to sign on to expunge the impeachments, a meaningless gesture, really, but one that tightens the leash on Kevin. In 2021 Kevin blamed Trump for January 6th, until he didn’t, kissing his ring soon after, horrified that he had acted honorably, if only for a brief speech, a long long time ago. It’s a difficult passage, and McCarthy’s nautical skills are questionable. Charybdis, the whirlpool that will sink the Republican party, awaits.

And how is the gasbag doing? Unimaginable legal baggage. In the case of the California Killer, prosecutors discussed their cases with each other. “Who’s first?” they asked. We know that Bragg has a trial date in December, that Judge Aileen Cannon set the document theft case for May, that the Georgia prosecutor, Fani Willis, has aimed for August, and “deranged, Trump hating” Jack Smith may have delivered his indictment today, even before I can finish typing this screed. Meanwhile MTG shows Hunter Biden’s dick pics to the world.

Three or four days ago Trump was sent a “target letter” which usually precedes an expected indictment. I posted this on Facebook.

My favorite word.

According to Merriam-Webster: “Schadenfreude is a combination of the German nouns Schaden, meaning "damage" or "harm," and Freude, meaning "joy." So it makes sense that schadenfreude means joy over some harm or misfortune suffered by another.”

For more than seven years Trump has plundered this country. I unabashedly take great pleasure as he begins a long and painful descent, perhaps confirming the questionable theory that justice doesn’t take sides.