Bay Area Rapid Transit
Bay Area Rapid Transit
Couple sharing 1/2 of a stereo recording
Couple sharing 1/2 of a stereo recording
Loved this little guy's hat
Loved this little guy's hat
Isla's seatmate would have chosen anyone but Isla
Isla's seatmate would have chosen anyone but Isla
A cellist outside the Mission St. station
A cellist outside the Mission St. station
Powell Street Station, SF 2018
Powell Street Station, SF 2018
The Artist and His Dog
The Artist and His Dog
Riders are held captive by panhandlers and gymnasts
Riders are held captive by panhandlers and gymnasts
Sleeping on the longer rides
Sleeping on the longer rides
BART 2.jpg
Riding BART is fun for all generations!
Riding BART is fun for all generations!
Bart 1.jpg
An accidental portrait.  Isla looking out the window with lovers in the back.
An accidental portrait. Isla looking out the window with lovers in the back.
Hawthorn taking up two seats.  He could be fined.
Hawthorn taking up two seats. He could be fined.
Holding on for dear life after the election.
Holding on for dear life after the election.
Earplugs needed when going under the Bay
Earplugs needed when going under the Bay
Which is lower?  Hair or Hemline?
Which is lower? Hair or Hemline?
Protestors 1
Protestors 1

Off to Oakland to protest the bombing of Syria..

Protestors 2
Protestors 2

Off to Oakland to protest Trump's bombing of Syria.


SF 1.jpg

Princess is a male Pomeranian. He wears a tutu, and with his guardian, sits on a very crowded BART train in a seat reserved for seniors (I’m 72) pregnant women, and the disabled. “I’m worried about taking him to the snow”, the guardian said, “as he doesn’t like to have anything on his feet.”

Feeling Pretty
Feeling Pretty
BART tunnel between Embarcadero and Montgomery
BART tunnel between Embarcadero and Montgomery
Bay Area Rapid Transit
Couple sharing 1/2 of a stereo recording
Loved this little guy's hat
Isla's seatmate would have chosen anyone but Isla
A cellist outside the Mission St. station
Powell Street Station, SF 2018
The Artist and His Dog
Riders are held captive by panhandlers and gymnasts
Sleeping on the longer rides
BART 2.jpg
Riding BART is fun for all generations!
Bart 1.jpg
An accidental portrait.  Isla looking out the window with lovers in the back.
Hawthorn taking up two seats.  He could be fined.
Holding on for dear life after the election.
Earplugs needed when going under the Bay
Which is lower?  Hair or Hemline?
Protestors 1
Protestors 2
SF 1.jpg
Feeling Pretty
BART tunnel between Embarcadero and Montgomery
Bay Area Rapid Transit
Couple sharing 1/2 of a stereo recording
Loved this little guy's hat
Isla's seatmate would have chosen anyone but Isla
A cellist outside the Mission St. station
Powell Street Station, SF 2018
The Artist and His Dog
Riders are held captive by panhandlers and gymnasts
Sleeping on the longer rides
Riding BART is fun for all generations!
An accidental portrait. Isla looking out the window with lovers in the back.
Hawthorn taking up two seats. He could be fined.
Holding on for dear life after the election.
Earplugs needed when going under the Bay
Which is lower? Hair or Hemline?
Protestors 1

Off to Oakland to protest the bombing of Syria..

Protestors 2

Off to Oakland to protest Trump's bombing of Syria.



Princess is a male Pomeranian. He wears a tutu, and with his guardian, sits on a very crowded BART train in a seat reserved for seniors (I’m 72) pregnant women, and the disabled. “I’m worried about taking him to the snow”, the guardian said, “as he doesn’t like to have anything on his feet.”

Feeling Pretty
BART tunnel between Embarcadero and Montgomery
show thumbnails