Donald J (Jail) Trump's Indictment

I mined Twitter and Facebook for appropriate memes. I think they tell a better story than I can. The memes begin in 1989 when five young black kids were seen in Central Park near where a 28 year old investment banker was brutally raped and left to die. The five were arrested for the crime, served between six and fourteen years in prison. Following their conviction Donald Trump paid for this ad in the NYTimes.

The Central Park 5 were exonerated in 2002, fourteen years after the attack. The real rapist, whose DNA matched, admitted to the crime. He is serving a 33 to life sentence for raping three women near Central Park and raping and killing a pregnant woman.

Trump never apologized. One of the boys, now men, posted this after the indictment yesterday.

Then came the headlines.

Trump’s rallies in 2016 always included the chant, “Lock Her Up,” directed at Hillary Clinton for made-up crimes that Trump created to diminish her. One can only imagine how she felt after the news came yesterday. And Ms. Cheney?

Time to open a bottle of champagne!

Then came the headlines.

The “Truth Social” post that revealed Trump’s unhappy response, once he learned that he was “indicated.”

And of course, his brilliant son Eric had this to say, echoing what Republican house members are squalling about in the press.

It’s imagined that not everyone in Trumpworld was as distraught as Eric.

A clarion cry from the right wing has focused on this unprecedented act, trying to frighten people with images like the one that follows. And no, Donnie, you’re mistaken. They are after you. But, as the ad says, these ne’er-do-wells are partly correct, too. They would come after us, that is, if we had committed the countless felonies you have.

Mr. Trump is, as the meme suggests, the one man crime wave. They’re only after criminals.

No shortage of pro-law, anti-perp memes. The arraignment is first, but stuff will follow.

And before it does there wil be the finger-printing, the mug shot, the humiliation, the “perp walk,” followed by countless delays and motions. Then a trial. If all goes well Mr. Trump will be assigned the following Monopoly card.

Is this indictment a good thing? Is Trump above the law? Highly unusual, yes, but American at its best.

I’m offering my own opinion, basing it on thje following cartoon appearing in The Washington Post today, April 1st, and no, it’s not an April Fools joke. Trump’s chances of being re-elected?