The Ayes Have It

Abraham Lincoln listened to his cabinet. He invited them to vote. In one instance he responded, “Seven nos and one aye. The ayes have it.” That they disagreed with his decision was inconsequential. His power superceded theirs.

When it comes to truth (the ayes) and the lies (the nays), will the ayes will have it? One such lie (oddly enough, perpetrated by the current version of the Republican Party), deals with Replacement Theory—that illegal immigrants, Jews, blacks, and ne’er do wells are being hijacked by the pedos in the Democratic Party to replace the divinely ordained white people.

Five years ago in Charlotte the right gave voice to this lie. “You Will Not Replace Us”

Unhappy white boys recognizing that they’re being replaced. And well they should.

The Republican congresswoman Elise Stefanik, a Trump sycophant, has tried to distance herself from her earlier replacement theory rhetoric after an 18 year old hate-filled POS murdered ten black people in a Buffalo grocery store. Although most Republicans are sneaky enough to cover up this embarrassing train of thought, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (of course) gave voice to it:

Boebert, 2021

And speaking of our girl Elise, a South Park writer was able to steal this away from her.

But wait! There’s more. In so many state houses around ‘Merica.

FOX NEWS is just one source. The patient has to be vulnerable, say, as whites who discover that they are no longer in charge.

White people are so terrified of “others” that governors and school boards have banned what is called “critical race theory.” Many of the people who are against it have no idea what it is, but hot damn! they’re against it. But what is it? According to Britannica, it's “based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color.” Those against CRT aren’t engaged in a traditional lie. They pretend that something that happened didn’t. Like Biden’s election.

Perhaps a simple explanation can be seen in Senator Tom Cotton’s tweet “honoring” Jackie Robinson.

What should be added is that in honoring Robinson for “breaking the color barrier”, he and like-minded racists don’t want students to learn WHY Robinson was banned. That’s critical race theory, friends, and terrified whites don’t want white students to know that Robinson wasn’t able to play because whites were terrified of blacks in any and all ways. And that would terrify those white students just as they would have been in Biloxi, Mississippi when terrified parents banned To Kill a Mockingbird. Shield them crackers. But then again, Biloxi? Puhleeze.

And more lies…In the G.O.P. primaries Tuesday, lies were rewarded. As Reid Epstein wrote in The Times, Republican voters in Pennsylvania anointed right-wing gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, “who helped lead the brazen effort to overturn the state’s 2020 election and chartered buses to the rally before the Capitol riot, and who has since promoted a constitutionally impossible effort to decertify President Biden’s victory in his state.” He also appeared at a far-right Christian conference organized by QAnon prophets that started with a video about “ritual child sacrifice” and a “global satanic blood cult.”

The lies aren’t confined to the good ol’ USA. According to NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd, “Putin has pulled the wool over the eyes of a nation, deceiving Russians about the Ukraine war the same way he deceived himself. When a retired colonel blurted out the truth Monday on Russian state television, saying “the situation for us will clearly get worse,” it was another uncommon confessional moment.”

How does this all add up? Republicans cling to the lie that Trump won the 2020 election,. Whites, scared shitless by immigrants and other minorities more competent than they are, cling to authoritarianism and deny any culpability for the systemic racism that they have created. That’s how. Will the “ayes” ultimately have it? How full is that glass?