Little Things

I have an exhibit of my photographs at the Kensington Library. Under each image I have posted an identification of the image. I discovered that I had neglected to post one, so I returned home, printed it again, then returned to the library. I had to pass by a man who was sitting by the photos. He asked, “Are these yours?” “Yes,” I replied. “They’re incredible,” he said. “Thank you,” I replied, knowing that in the six weeks that the images will be up, his response will most likely be the only feedback I will get before I take them all down. And that comment was enough.

Then this….

I have a friend I wish a “good morning'“ to on Facebook Messenger. One day I forgot, She responded, (and I’m paraphrasing) “Are you okay. You didn’t respond to my “good morning” and you didn’t wish me one, either. I’m a little worried.” That she noticed and that she was “a little worried” was all that I needed.

Some years ago I received this email from a former high school student.

“I have one teacher that really made an impact in my life. It started even before he was my teacher. He and his wife judged a speech contest I was in when I was in 8 th grade. They had no idea how hard that was for me, I hate talking in front of people. Even tho I did terribly they can up to me with encouraging words. Those words helped me run meetings when I was president of my riding club,(one of the largest in California). Also helped me to give a speech in front of a couple hundered people when I was inducted into the Sonoma county equine hall of fame. He taught to be more accepting of gays. I believe he said something like, if you fear homosexual's it shows you question your own sexuality. I have a close friend that that is gay. We were friends many years before he "came out". Mr. Buchholz you are that teacher and I thank you. I wasn't a very good student but you taught me important life lessons that helped more then the English you tried to teach me. I am glad I finally get the chance to thank you!”

Are these really “little things?” Is being reminded that you have a place in the hearts of others “little?”