Everybody Makes Mistkes

As New Mexico authorities are accepting non-monetary donations on behalf of a baby boy abandoned in a dumpster in the city of Hobbs and for other children under state care, the mother of the woman accused of abandoning him is telling reporters, "Everybody makes mistakes."

Alexis Avila, 18, has been charged with attempted murder and child abuse in connection with the incident, according to city police. She allegedly wrapped the baby in a blood-soaked towel and two garbage bags, then abandoned him in 36-degree weather with his umbilical cord still attached. It was, by all definitions, a mistake.

Alexis Avila trying to kill her baby.

Hitting baseline shots in Australia right now is Novak Djokovic, who was denied entry to the country because of a declaration he made entering, claiming that his staff had erred in his application, that he hadn’t traveled in the two weeks preceding his arrival. But, “Djokovic told border officers that Tennis Australia completed the declaration for him, but the officer who canceled his visa said that the body would have done that based on information from Djokovic himself.” I guess he '“misremembered.” a mistake.

“Novak Djokovic has blamed his agent for an “administrative mistake” when declaring he had not traveled in the two weeks before his flight to Australia and acknowledged an “error of judgment” by not isolating after he tested positive for Covid.

Stay tuned. He’s still in Australia. We’ll find out soon enough if Australia has balls, and not of the tennis kind.

And that leads us to yet another “mistake.” Senator Ted Cruz, he of the Republican party. During a Senate hearing Wednesday, Cruz said what happened on Jan. 6, when a pro-Trump mob breached the Capitol in an attack to stop the certification of electoral ballots, was a "terrorist attack."

He continued that "anyone who commits an actual act of violence should be prosecuted, and anyone who assaults a law enforcement officer should go to jail for a very long time. And I think that's a principle that is true, regardless of the politics of the violent criminal, whether they are right wing, left wing or they got no wings at all."

Wow! Cruz told the truth! Or did he? Facing backlash from conservative members of Congress, such as MTG who called Cruz’s statement “irresponsible”, then queried by Tucker Carlson, who said, "You called this a 'terror attack' when by no definition was it a terror attack. That's a lie. You told that lie on purpose, and I'm wondering why you did?"

Cruz folded. He responded that the phrasing was "sloppy and it was frankly dumb" and, due to his wording, he said people misunderstood what he meant. He added, “It was a mistake to say that yesterday,” Telling the truth was a “mistake,” he said, walking back his one and only pathetic effort to be truthful.

Washington Post: Two men are accused of vandalizing a Key West landmark. A bartender recognized one of them because he hadn’t tipped.

Shaped like a buoy, a 12’ tall marker sits at the southernmost point of the United States, 90 miles from Cuba. It was badly damaged in Hurricane Irma and required extensive restoration. The Southernmost Point is a landmark with special meaning for Cuban Americans. Thousands of people shared photos of the suspects, expressing disbelief that anyone would purposely damage the monument.

Police were able to obtain arrests for the two men. They both conceded that they had made a mistake, according to police reports.

Some years ago I had a sigmoidoscopy I was advised by the nurse that I might experience some discomfort. Afterwards I asked him, “When does discomfort leave off and pain begin?” I hurt.

When I hear of these “mistakes” I can only ask “Where does making a "mistake” actually end, and the person making a “mistake'“ be recognized not as a person who has made a mistake, but an asshole?