Voting For Trump

Puzzled how anyone could cast his vote for the Orange Menace I came across three pieces of information yesterday that spell out the very real and practical reasons why people might cast their ballots in the red. The first is an OpEd published in the Washington Post by Danielle Pletka, a senior fellow at a conservative think tank; the second, a letter signed by 235 retired military leaders who support Trump, and last, a letter from a woman who lives in Southern Missouri.

The first. Pletka fears that Biden would run a presidency “with the words drafted by hard-left idealogues”, that new seats in the Supreme Court would “ensure a liberal supermajority”, that the “Green New Deal” and nationalized health care would “wreck an economy still recovering from the pandemic shutdown.”

She adds, “I fear the grip of Manhattan-San Francisco progressive mores that increasingly permeate my daily newspapers, my children’s curriculums and my local government. I fear the virtue-signaling bullies who increasingly try to dominate or silence public discourse — and encourage my children to think that their being White is intrinsically evil, that America’s founding is akin to original sin. I fear the growing self-censorship that guides many people’s every utterance, and the leftist vigilantes who view every personal choice — from recipes to hairdos — through their twisted prisms of politics and culture. An entirely Democratic-run Washington, urged on by progressives’ media allies, would no doubt only accelerate these trends.” And there's more. Fears of slashing defense spending, hostility to Israel, and a renewal of accepting Iran are on her list. To be sure, she’s found much to dislike about Trump, too, but maybe not enough.

Retired Army and Air Force generals and Navy admirals believe that the Democratic party welcomes “socialists and Marxists”, adding, “after years of neglect from Obama-Biden, our service members and veterans have finally found a strong advocate in President Trump….We believe that President Donald Trump is committed to a strong America,” the letter continued, “As president he will continue to secure our borders, defeat our adversaries, and restore law and order domestically".

On the other hand, the letter from the Ozarks clearly identifies Trump voters of a very different stripe.

“You all don't get it. I live in Trump country, in the Ozarks in southern Missouri, one of the last places where the KKK still has a relatively strong established presence. They don't give a shit what he does. He's just something to rally around and hate liberals, that's it, period.  He absolutely realizes that and plays it up. They love it. He knows they love it.

 The fact that people act like it's anything other than that proves to them that liberals are idiots.  If you keep getting caught up in "why do they not realize this problem" and "how can they still back Trump after this scandal," then you do not understand what the underlying motivating factor of his support is. It's fuck liberals.

 Have you noticed he can do pretty much anything imaginable, and they'll explain some way that rationalizes it that makes zero logical sense?   Because they're not even keeping track of any coherent narrative, it's irrelevant. Fuck liberals is the only relevant thing.

 That's why they just laugh at it all because you all don't even realize they truly don't give a fuck about whatever the conversation is about. That's all just trivial details - the economy, health care, whatever.

 Fuck liberals.

 Look at the issue with not wearing the masks. It's about exposing fear. They're playing chicken with nature, and whoever flinches just moved down their internal pecking order, one step closer to being a liberal. One core value that they hold above all others is hatred for what they consider weakness because that's what they believe strength is­—hatred of weakness. And I mean passionate, sadistic hatred. That’s what proves they're strong.  Sometimes they will lump vulnerability in with weakness. People humbling themselves when they're in some compromising or overwhelming circumstance, is to them, weak.

 Kindness = weakness.

Honesty = weakness.

Compromise = weakness.

 They consider their very existence to be superior in every way to anyone who doesn't hate weakness as much as they do. They consider liberals to be weak people that are inferior, almost a different species, and the fact that liberals are so weak is why they have to unite in large numbers, which they find disgusting, but it's that disgust that is a true expression of their natural superiority.”

Welcome to the United States of America in the late summer of the year two thousand two hundred and twenty Anno Domini, a year that one cartoon illustrated is like an ice cream truck that has chosen to sell liver and onions over ice cream.